Free Auto Repair Shop Growth Tools

Poor to Profit
An Auto Repair Shop Owners Guide to Financial Success

Annual Planner
This un-dated, start any time, annual planner is an auto repair shop owners best friend. Includes annual and quarterly planning, team performance reviews, annual promotional calendar, a week to an opening, plus prompts to complete your top 5 weekly priorities.
Includes “How-To-Use” video so that you can make the most of this fabulous planner!
The top performing auto repair shops all include strategic planning in their business to grow, and with this planner, you can too.
AUD and NZD available for Capricorn Purchases.

The 4-Day Work Week By Workshop Whisperer™
An Auto Repair Shop Owners Guide to a Dream Life
The idea of working fewer days per week while maintaining productivity and profitability is just a dream for many. However, with Rachael’s expert guidance, clients of The Workshop Whisperer have been able to make this their reality.
A pliable scheduling strategy, the 4 Day Work Week By Workshop Whisperer® framework can be implemented in many ways. The book breaks down the five standard models associated with the framework and guides auto repair shop owners on approaching trials, introducing the idea to the team, and implementing successfully.
Your new business owner lifestyle awaits!
How To Hire, Negotiate With, and Retain Quality Talent

Markup, Margins, and Matrix Cheat Sheet
- Markup vs margin: what the difference is, why it matters, and how one affects the other
- Why most auto repair shop owners markup expensive parts completely wrong (and what we recommend instead)
- How to stop competing with retail shops that aren’t even in your industry
- A helpful parts matrix that provides industry benchmarks, so you don’t leave money on the table
- How to uncover markup mistakes you’re making right now that could instantly add $1,000s to your bottom line
Beyond The 9-to-5 By WW™ eBook
Uncover the truth as we debunk common misconceptions, revealing the untapped potential and hidden benefits of adopting this revolutionary approach in the auto repair industry. With precision and expertise, this book dismantles preconceived notions, providing a clear roadmap for auto repair shop owners to successfully navigate the transition.

Leading Your Team Through a 4-Day Work Week By WW™ eBook
The idea of working fewer days per week while maintaining productivity and profitability is just a dream for many. However, with Rachael’s expert guidance, clients of The Workshop Whisperer have been able to make this their reality.
A pliable scheduling strategy, the 4 Day Work Week By Workshop Whisperer® framework can be implemented in many ways. The book breaks down our simple framework and guides auto repair shop owners on approaching trials, introducing the idea to the team, and implementing a 4-Day Work Week successfully.
Financial Mastery for Auto Repair Shop Owners By WW™ eBook
Unlock Financial Success for Your Auto Repair Shop!
Are you an Auto Repair Shop owner who struggles to understand your financial report? Do you feel like you can’t have great conversations with your accountant because you can’t read your Profit & Loss reports or Balance Sheet?
For the last 10 years, we’ve been helping Auto Repair Shop owners achieve business success and it all starts with an understanding of how money flows through your business. This is why our CEO Rachael Evans has written this ebook to help you demystify your Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet.

If I had my time again I'd have joined the ER BEFORE building my business up (19 team members now) They will help you build your foundations and get all your systems in place to make sure you grow profitably.

We started when there was just the 2 of us - my husband as the main tech - we've grown & made changes in ways that we didn't know was possible from being in the ER! We've been in there for 3 years now and gotten so much value! If someone asked me what's the one thing every business needs - my answer is a coach, whether just starting out or 20years in!

For us it was and is the best decision what we did for the business!! You don't need employees to start with the ER, when we started 10 month ago it was just my husband and me and they helped us inn so may way to improve our business!! And if you looking for proper help join the ER because they keep their promises!!

Go for it, don't wait like I did, best decision I've made in the last 25 years of business.

The Auto Repair Shop of Your Future
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